Institute of Shipbuilding Technology, Goa (ISBT) was established by Society for Industrial & Technical Education of Goa (SITEG) (formerly know as Shipbuilding Industry Society of Goa (SIG)) in the year 1981. Perhaps ISBT is the only institute in India to be established and managed by a group of Industries. Requirement of highly specialized trained manpower by the Shipbuilding / Barge building, repair and allied industries forced the industries in this business to come together under the banner of Shipbuilding Industry Society of Goa and established the Institute. Main objective of SITEG is to provide industry with well trained technical manpower to suit their requirements, and conduct retraining programmes for existing workforce.
M/s. Chowgule & Co. Pvt. Ltd. | M/s. American Bureau of Shipping | ||
M/s. V.M. Salgaocar & Bro. Pvt. Ltd. | M/s. Atreya Engg. Works | ||
M/s. Dempo Shipbuilding & Engg. Pvt. Ltd. | M/s. New Era Shipping Pvt. Ltd. | ||
M/s. Goa Shipyard Ltd. | M/s. Indian Register of Shipping | ||
M/s. South West Port Ltd. | M/s. Mormugao Port Authority. | ||
M/s. Buoyancy Consultants | M/s. Marine Electrical Agencies. | ||
M/s. Orient (Goa) Pvt. Ltd. | M/s. Hiralal & Co. |
ISBT is a government aided institute receiving grants from Government of Goa, under the Grant-in-aid pattern. Establishment of ISBT is approved by All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi.
First course to be introduced at ISBT, was Diploma programme in Shipbuilding Engineering in August 1981. This course till today is considered as a unique course to be offered only by ISBT. It is a sandwich type of course with compulsory industrial training of one year at shipyards located in Goa and in neighbouring states. This course is now accepted as entry qualification for Engineer Officers by Directorate General of Shipping, Govt. of India.
Having achieved reasonable success in offering need based Diploma programmes, ISBT introduced Diploma in Mechanical Engineering with specialization in Material Handling Technology/Heat Power Engineering (now as Diploma in Mechanical Engineering) from the academic year 1990-91 and Diploma programme in Electronics Engineering with specialisation in Marine Electronics from the year 1995-96 (now renamed as Diploma in Electronics & Communication).
After the meaningful implementation of World Bank Project, under which this Institute was covered, Institute has well equipped laboratories for all its three departments, a centralized Computer Centre, an air-conditioned Self Learning Centre with attached Audio-Visual Room and other state of art facility for facilitating the teaching-learning process. An investment of around Rs.6.50 crores has gone into development of infrastructure at ISBT under the World Bank Assisted Project.
ISBT, being managed by Industries, enjoys certain advantage as compared to other institutes managed by Govt. or other Societies. To name a few:
1. Easy access to industries for staff and students.
2. Experienced Industrial personnel as Visiting faculty/Guest faculty.
3. Participation of Industry in development of curriculum, infrastructure development, students assessment, etc..
4. Industry like approaches in all the functional areas of the institute.
5. Efficient utilization of all infrastructure of ISBT.
6. Business like approach in its management.